Fiction EBooks

Fiction EBooks.

  • George Orwell Animal Farm

    Animal Farm

    A remarkable allegory of a downtrodden society of overworked, mistreated animals and their quest to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality.

  • James Joyce Dubliners


    Dubliners is a collection of 15 short stories by James Joyce, forming a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class life in and around Dublin in the early years of the 20th century.

  • Franz Kafka Metamorphosis


    Transformed overnight into a giant beetle-like insect, Gregor Samsa becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his own home, a quintessentially alienated man.

  • Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway

    Mrs. Dalloway

    Mrs. Dalloway explores the hidden springs of thought and action in one day of a woman's life.

  • George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

    Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984)

    In a dystopian 1984, Winston Smith endures a squalid existence in the totalitarian superstate of Oceania under the constant surveillance of Big Brother.

  • Charles Dickens Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist

    Thanks to its colorful cast of characters and gritty portrayal of street life in Victorian London, Dickens’ Oliver Twist has captured readers’ hearts for more than 150 years.

  • Hermann Hesse Siddhartha


    With parallels to the enlightenment of the Buddha, Hesse's Siddhartha is the story of a young Brahmin's quest for the ultimate reality.

  • Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray

    The Picture of Dorian Gray

    In Dorian Gray, a fashionable young man sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty.

  • Franz Kafka The Trial

    The Trial

    The Trial tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime not revealed to him or to the reader.